Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery at World Class Hospitals in India.

Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery

Carpal tunnel release surgery involves dividing a ligament in your wrist to relieve pressure on a nerve that controls movement and feeling in your hand. It’s an operation you may have to relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) – these include numbness, tingling and pain in your hand.

Early or mild symptoms of CTS aren’t usually treated with surgery. But, if your symptoms are getting worse or haven’t improved after having more than six months of non-surgical treatment, you may be considered for surgery.

Most of us use our hands almost every minute of the day without ever giving it a second thought. But if you have carpal tunnel syndrome, the pain, numbness, and tingling in your fingers get your attention. Treatments like wrist braces and corticosteroids can help, but in more severe cases, you may need surgery.

Approaches Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery in India

There are two main types of carpal tunnel release surgery: open and endoscopic. In both cases, your doctor cuts the ligament around the carpal tunnel to take pressure off the median nerve and relieve your symptoms. After the surgery, the ligament comes back together, but with more room for the median nerve to pass through.

Open Sarpal Tunnel Release Surgery, which allows the doctor to see more of the inner tissues, including the full width of the transverse carpal ligament where it is to be cut. Open surgery requires an incision in the palm and wrist, which disturbs more of the tissues in the hand, and requires a longer recovery period. It leaves a larger scar than does endoscopic surgery. But there may be less chance of other complications. See a picture of open carpal tunnel surgery.

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery, which requires only a small incision at the wrist (single-portal technique) or at the wrist and palm (two-portal technique), and which disturbs less tissue in the hand. Recovery is quicker than with open surgery. And the scars heal more quickly, are smaller, and tend to be less painful at 3 months after surgery. There may be a slightly higher rate of reoperation after endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery. See a picture of endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery.

Preparing for Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery

Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery is done as a day-case procedure. This means you’ll have the procedure and go home the same day. There’ll be no need to pack an overnight bag or make any arrangements for being away. You should, however, make sure that you tell your driving insurer that you’re having surgery as it could affect your insurance policy.

Your surgeon will discuss the procedure with you. This is your opportunity to understand the procedure and what’s involved. You can help yourself by preparing some questions beforehand; perhaps write them down as and when you think of them. Being well informed is important, as you’ll need to give your consent for the procedure to go ahead. You’ll do this by signing a consent form when you arrive.

Before going in for your procedure, make sure that you’ve taken off all your jewellery and left any personal belongings at home. Arrive on time so you can fill out your consent form and manage any last-minute details. Perhaps bring a book or magazine with you to pass any unfilled time between arriving and having your procedure.

What happens during Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery?

In the operating room your nurse will ensure that you’re in a comfortable position and a tourniquet will be placed around the top of your arm. You’ll then be given local anaesthetic injections so that you don’t feel any discomfort during the procedure. The tourniquet is then inflated. The tourniquet inflates a bit like a blood pressure cuff, but it’ll inflate until it completely stops blood flowing into your hand. Once inflated, your surgeon can start the procedure.

The procedure takes about 20 minutes to complete. During the procedure your surgeon makes a cut (this could be around 3 to 4cm long) near the base of your palm. He or she then divides your carpal ligament to relieve pressure on your median nerve. Once this is done your surgeon will then close the cut in your skin with stitches.

What are Benefits of Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery?

  • Relief from Neural Compression
  • Pain Reduction
  • Prevention of Further Deterioration

The chance of obtaining a significant benefit from surgery depends upon a wide variety of factors. Your neurosurgeon will give you an indication of the likelihood of success in your specific case.

Best Hospitals in India for Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery

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